Almost all of us have struggled with time management at some point, but startup founders are especially prone to letting time slip away. Here are some of the top time management tips according to Reddit users.
Thread: I’m struggling with prioritizing tasks and managing my time.
My cofounder and I are fairly early, but this is our system.
Week long spec, set every Sunday. Each week has a specific goal (e.g. increase retention to 20%, increase new subscriptions, etc.). We then “idea dump” all tasks that could contribute to that goal. We then assign easy, medium, or hard to each task. And then we’d pick 3 hards, and ~6 mediums, and as many easy’s as possible. And then we split between the two of us.
All left over ideas go back into our idea bucket file to get re-debated for another week’s spec. Any incoming ideas throughout the week also go directly in the bin, to be discussed later so that focus isn’t lost.
Get a full time assistant if you can afford one. Pass anything remotely administrative off to him/her. I’m assuming you have partners. Split the duties cleanly between all the partners according to their strengths. Hire extremely well.
The list and its order change every day. Prioritizing based on what will move the company forward the most is one of the most valuable skills a founder learns. Founders should be prioritizing revenue generation. What can you do today that most improves revenue generation, both as CEO and CTO.
Thread: What are your best time management and productivity /efficiency tips?
My 2 cents: Saying no to things I don’t really care about. You don’t have to manage time if you don’t do all the things.
Use a system of calendars and to do lists. Calendar for places I have to be, to do list for things I have to do. You can also link it together to see it in your calendar as well, if you want to. I don’t want to remember stuff. I don’t want to keep thinking about things my calendar can hold for me. My brain is for thinking, not storing.
I’ve found that blocking out my day/week in google calendar has been very useful. It’s a great way to see how much time you have in the day and for each task. I make task lists first and then put them on the calendar. I use the pomodoro technique when I’m working/studying and need to focus.
For me personally: put the phone away, block social media and get the f*** over myself and just do the thing. Even if it’s boring. Even if I don’t feel like it. Even if I’m a little tired. Just get done with it. It might just be that my biggest problem is that there’s always something more fun to do

About the Author: Tess Danielson is a journalist and writer focusing on the intersection of technology and society.
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